Detailed Pattern Computations of the UHF Antennas on the Spacecraft of the ExoMars Mission

12 Apr 2015

This paper describes the pattern computations of the UHF antennas mounted on the spacecraft of the EXOMARS mission. The analyses are made by the higher-order Method of Moments (MoM) add-on to GRASP and are computed twice. In the first computation, the spacecraft is modelled by perfect electrically conducting plates, properly connected by the user to each other and to the UHF antennas. This is how the problem has been solved until recently by an experienced user of GRASP. In the second computation, the detailed spacecraft geometry is imported into GRASP as a CAD file, and is automatically meshed without any requirements for the mesh connectivity.

Publication: Proc. EuCAP’2015
Place: Lisbon, Portugal

Cecilia Cappellin / Erik Jørgensen / Peter Meincke / Oscar Borries / C. Nardini / C. Dreyer /
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